Welding wire spools
We produce BS series and K series spools
We produce metal spools for winding welding wire, a product that must meet specific geometric parameters of construction.
We aim to establish ourselves on the market as the leading manufacturer of fully recyclable steel spools for high-speed precision layer winding.
Since 2014 we have decided to expand our product range to all types of metal spools, this has also enabled us to optimize costs and logistics organization.
We market more than 4,5 million BS and K metal spools, as well as design and sell the machines intended for the production of BS300 spools.
- The BS spool is made of drawn coppered or un coppered wire and is specially designed for precision layer winding.
- The K spool is made of drawn coppered or un coppered wire and is specially designed for both random and precision layer winding.
Our spools

BS Spools
BS Spools
Made of coppered or un coppered wire, are designed for precision layer winding.
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K300B Spool
K300B Spool
Made of coppered or un coppered wire, it is designed for both precision layer and random winding.
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K Spools
K Spools
Made of coppered or un coppered wire, are designed for both precision layer and random winding.
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BS Spools
BS Spools
Made of coppered or un coppered wire, are designed for precision layer winding.
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K300B Spool
K300B Spool
Made of coppered or un coppered wire, it is designed for both precision layer and random winding.
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K Spools
K Spools
Made of coppered or un coppered wire, are designed for both precision layer and random winding.
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